News - Page 6 of 8 - LRgarcía


20 July 2020

Modification to the rules for the management of procedures by electronic means of communication before the National Register of Foreign Investment

On July 6, 2020, the Secretariat of the Interior published in the DOF (Official Federal Gazette) the "Agreement amending the Rules for the management of procedures by electronic means of communication before the National Register of Foreign Investments."
14 July 2020

Don’t miss out your e-filing mailbox! New guidelines

Through the third preliminary draft of the Second Resolution of Modifications of the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution (RMF) for 2020, the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT) modified the Forty-Seventh Transitory article, which mentions the proper authorization of the e-filing mailbox, so that it could be an effective form of communication between taxpayers and the SAT.
6 July 2020

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) is modernizing, with an e-filing mailbox from August 2020.

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) will implement this tool to avoid the contact between the employer and the notifier. The e-filing mailbox will facilitate the return to the “new normal” after the COVID-19 epidemic.
3 July 2020

Individuals, renewal of the e-signature, even if it has expired.

On June 19, 2020, The Mexican Tax Authority (SAT) published in the Official Federal Gazette the second draft of the Second Resolution of Modifications of the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution (RMF) and its Annex 1-A.

Mantente actualizado con las noticias contables, fiscales y laborales de México.

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