doucemente, Author at LRgarcía


23 February 2024

The monthly payment of VAT changes on the SAT website.

We would like to inform you that the tax authority (SAT) recently made updates to its website, modifying the structure for the presentation of the monthly Value Added Tax (VAT) statement. Now the application is preloading information taken directly from all the Digital Tax Receipts (CFDI), so it becomes vitally important that from the moment your suppliers deliver the invoices for payment, it is verified that they meet the requirements basic requirements established by the laws, and that they deliver the Payment Receipt Supplements on time when applicable.
28 June 2023

Official Mexican Standard 037 Teleworking health and safety conditions at work

On June 8, 2023, the Official Mexican Standard 037 related to the Teleworking guidelines was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).
5 January 2023

Vacations reform

Through this reform, it is specified that workers who have completed one year of service will have the right to enjoy an annual vacation period of 12 continuous days.
25 April 2022

Controlling Beneficiary

As of January 1, 2022, a new obligation comes into force in the Federal Tax Code and the Miscellaneous rules, through which legal entities (companies), trusts (fiduciaries, settlors or trustees), must obtain, conserve, verify and keep updated as part of the accounting, the information of its controlling beneficiaries. Said information must be available in case the tax authorities require it.

Mantente actualizado con las noticias contables, fiscales y laborales de México.

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