On July 6, 2020, the Secretariat of the Interior published in the DOF (Official Federal
Gazette) the “Agreement amending the Rules for the management of procedures by
electronic means of communication before the National Register of Foreign
Through the aforementioned agreement, the first and fifteenth regulations were reformed,
establishing the provisions by which the formalities will be carried out either in person or by
electronic means of communication before the National Register of Foreign Investments
Forms to submit the procedures.
Requirements to submit the procedure by email.
How do I make sure the procedure was accepted?
It is important to verify that the authority send us by email the acknowledgment of receipt
with its folio, date and name of the official who received the documentation of the
submitted procedure.
In the event that the authority does not accept the information due to errors or omissions,
the taxpayer must be notified via email of the aforementioned and must comply with the
requirement within 5 business days of its notification.
It is important to comply with the aforementioned requirement within the term provided in
order to avoid the rejection of the procedure.
Any procedure carried out correctly by email, exempts the obliged person to submit it in
the offices of the authority.
To which emails should the procedures be sent?
Procedure Code | Procedure | |
SE-02-001 | Application for registration in the RNIE. | inscripciones.rnie@economia.gob.mx |
SE-02-002 | Modification notice to the RNIE. | avisostercera.rnie@economia.gob.mx |
SE-02-003 | Cancellation of registration in the RNIE. | cancelaciones.rnie@economía.gob.mx |
SE-02-004 | Annual Economic Report (Renewal of the registration statement) filed before the RNIE. | anuales.rnie@economía.gob.mx |
SE-02-005 | Updated notice submitted quarterly to the RNIE. | trimestrales.rnie@economía.gob.mx |
SE-02-012 | Notice of Public Notaries under the terms of article 34 of the Foreign Investment Law. | fedatarios.rnie@economía.gob.mx |
SE-02-014 | Request for the granting of an extension regarding the established terms (in registry matters) in the Foreign Investment Law or in the Regulations of the Foreign investment Law and the RNIE, requirements or any other (Jurisdiction of the RNIE). | tramites.rnie@economia.gob.mx |
SE-02-016 | Inspection of the RNIE’s files. | archivo.rnie@economia.gob.mx |
SE-02-020 | Consultation on foreign investment. (Jurisdiction of the RNIE). | tramites.rnie@economia.gob.mx |
Copies and records (Jurisdiction of the RNIE). | tramites.rnie@economia.gob.mx |
We remain at your disposal, for any questions or clarification in this regard.